A cobranded logo for LFG (Volunteer) and Vote Save America's Organize or Else.
Fair Fight logo in a circleText that says scroll

It's time to protect democracy. so lfg.

As our democracy faces unprecedented challenges, Fair Fight is proud to launch the LFG (Volunteer) campaign. We’re empowering everyday Americans to support voters and protect our democratic process from election deniers and conspiracy theorists trying to tear our country apart. With the stakes higher than ever, we need your help to ensure fair and free elections in 2024, so LFG(V)!!!

Why Volunteer with LFG (Volunteer)?
Our democracy is under attack from all sides. From new laws that make it harder for vulnerable populations to access the ballot and have their vote count, to widespread disinformation campaigns and an organized MAGA operation that’s coming after our basic freedoms, the threats to our democracy are real and immediate. That’s why we’re partnering with Vote Save America’s Organize or Else to offer multiple ways for you to get involved, make a difference, and connect with candidates and causes that promote and expand our freedoms — in the face of attacks on our vote and our liberties. Whether you’re inspired, concerned — or totally freaking out about the state of our democracy, there’s a place for you here. LET’S GO!

How you can get involved

  • Fight Voter Suppression: Volunteer with Fair Fight and our state political partners to combat efforts that disenfranchise voters by supporting voters on hotlines, getting engaged in local voting advocacy, collecting voter stories, and more.
  • Be a Poll Worker: Help ensure our elections function well by getting connected to nonpartisan poll working opportunities via Power the Polls.
  • Elect Democracy Champions: Get involved with candidate campaigns, progressive issue work, and great local organizations like Vote Save America’s Organize or Else, and help mobilize voters through door-knocking, phone banking, and more

Why Now?

This is our democracy and our country — it’s worth the fight and we won’t let the MAGA operation out-organize us — LFG(V)!!! The opposition is organized and innovating like never before. They have plans to continue to roll back the rights of millions of Americans if they win in 2024, and they’re using sophisticated tactics to suppress votes, particularly those of Black and brown, young, disabled, unhoused, and rural voters. Our democracy requires people power to function, and voters need advocates and everyday heroes — let’s rise to the occasion and show that democracy is worth fighting for.

This is OUR Democracy. So LFG (Volunteer).

Too many people struggled, suffered, and died to make it possible for every American to exercise their right to vote.

–John Lewis